Spoke on two topics: resume building and minicomputer recommendations (Rasberry Pi) to high school students visiting our college career fair.
AMI Kids
Student Speakers
Lead and collaborated with my Nielsen internship class to visit an AMI Kids Chapter in St. Petersburg, Florida to speak to students about opportunism after high schools such as college, the military, and technical colleges.
DCON Video
Highschool Video Campaign
Created 7 Part Video Series. Filmed, edited, and designed graphics.
Transformed how time was tracked at the Children's Campaign by converting paper tracking to a digital database tracking system.
Panelist and Speaker on 3 Topics
Panelist on how to do grade school outreach. Spoke at a conference on 3 topics: Leadership Development, How to Brand Yourself, and As a University, how to Select High School Partners.
Design, and taught lessons for Girl Scout technology camps
Designed and taught at 3 Girl Scout camps. These lessons were on subjects such as: HTML/CSS, Coding with Python, and Network Security
Designed Weekly Events
Coordinated and collaborated with 8 other organizations to design a weekly involvement graphic for the 2800 students of the College of Communication and Information
Reduce phising by implementing security filters
Implemented security protocols (DKIM, DMAC, SPF) to reduce phshing attempts on Children's Campaign Email server.
2 Conferences:
Spoke at two separate conferences once where local high schools in my county came together to share ideas on how to teach technology in high school. Second The Florida IT Career Alliance Community/State College Partner Convening, where both state and local universities share their ideas on how to retain students.
Grade School
Design and Taught technology lessons
Designed and taught 5 lessons: HTML/CSS, Network Security, Typing Improvements, Photoshop, and Video Production for an elementary school technology club.
Headshot/Event Coverage
Adept in digital photography, retouching, and conducting headshots.
Producteev: Task Tracking Software
Initiated a software to track all technological process, task, and issues within the Children's Campaign.
Leadesrhip Activities with Gradeschool students
Technology Student Association (TSA) is a grade school organization focused on computing fields. Every year the STARS organizations with its college students collaborates with TSA in a Leadership Conference where students learn leadership and team building skills by doing a myriad of teambuilding activates.
Road Trip
Visited 3 Companies and spoke in 3 Classrooms in Tampa
Spoke to companies about hiring FSU students and held a panel to speak to high school students about college.
Computer Lab
Building and Deploying Computer Images
Built and deployed Windows and Mac Operating System images to over 120 computers across 6 labs at the College of Communication and Information.
Grade School
Presentation on College Transition
Spoke to about 30 high schools students on the transition to college. Topics include, classes, social life, internships, and leadership.
Road Trip
3 Companies, 4 Highschools, 1388 Miles across Florida.
5 college students on a 5 day road trip, to inspire students to strive to be a part of a college program such as CCI and eventually to obtain a career in technology.
Slack Proposal and Integration
Mentored two individuals to train, propose, and onboard a new form of digital communication for an 20 person organization
Designed,created, and taught coding Lessons
Collaborated with computer science, and information technology students to create 5 lessons to teach basic coding to the masses on a weekly basis.