STARS Organization

STARS stands for Students, Technology, Academia, Research, and Service. Our chapter focuses on engaging grade school students specifically women and minority into the computing fields. As the previous president I was in charge of figuring out how to motivate membership and create a social media presence.
Notable Contributions
- Constructed Infographic-Created “This Week at CCI” a weekly informational graphic describing all the events related to the college or the eight affiliated organizations under the STARS organization.
- Visited Companies-Visited over 30 companies across the southeast of the United States to encourage these businesses to come back to our school career fair to hire out students.
- Visited High Schools-Spoke to over 30 schools across the state of Florida in the past 3 years about college readiness, how to be involved on your campus, and how to get a job.
Codeducation Organization
Founder and Vice-President

The goal of the Codeducation organization is to build a community of student’s interested in computer coding. We do this by teaching workshops, bringing in companies to provide insight, and do outreach to the community to teach basic coding.
Notable Contributions
- Company Outreach-Brought in local full stack development companies to host workshops on: FLASK and UI/UX Design
- Creating and Teaching Lessons- Created Lessons on basic Python sytax and taught over 10 lessons on a weekly basis.
- Community Building-Implemented technologies such as SLACK to create tranparent and fast form of communication
Speaker, Judge, Participant

I have spoken, judged, and participated in a miriade of conferences in which I learned teambuilding, community building, and mentourship.
Notable Contributions
- Technology Student Association (TSA) Leadership Conferences-Collaborated with grade schools student to mentor and build leaders so students can go back to their organization and lead.
- STARS Leadership Conference- Presented on topics such as how colleges can engage in their community.
- HACKFsu-Managed and supported the 3D printers used during the 48 hour hackathon.
- Technology Student Association (TSA) Competition Conference-Judged student submissions on engineering projects, media production, and public speaking segments.
- Florida IT Career Alliance Summer Workshop-Shared to 25 high schools (counselors, teachers, and principles) my contributions to the community in how college student ambassadors can help shape and mentor grade schools students.